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Encouraging the most people to memorize the most verses of Scripture.

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How Bible Quizzing Works


Find and contact other quizzers and Quizzing leadership in your area. Contact us for help and introductions.


Memorize the scheduled material and practice with your teammates. Practices include study time, quoting, and quizzing.


When it's time for the quiz meet, show up and have fun. Meet team from around your area and across the world.

What is Bible Quizzing?

Bible Quizzing is a Christian sport in which teams of participants compete on Bible memorization in a context that requires a combination of speed, accuracy, and strategy and a culture that inspires collaboration, fellowship, and mutual encouragement.

At its core, Quizzing has always been about writing God's Word on hearts. By appealing to the transformational power of Scripture, Quizzing is the catalyst that changes many lives across the world. Quizzing thrives in several countries beginning with its origin in the United States and Canada but has spread to the Dominican Republic, Jordan, and far beyond.

Bible Quizzing is a powerful ministry that claims God's promise that no word of God will return empty.

Bible Quizzing Contact and Social Media

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Inside Quizzing

Encourage the most people to memorize the most verses.

5Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Bible Quizzing by the Numbers

Bible Quizzing exists in many forms throughout the world today.

>72 Countries
>10k Quizzers
>490 Clothes Pins
>1M Verses

Christian Bible Quizzing

Encouraging the most people to memorize the most verses of Scripture.

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