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Frequently Asked Questions

The following are some frequently asked questions (FAQs). If you don't see your question answered here, please contact us, and we'll respond promptly.

Quizzing and Mission

What is Bible Quizzing?

Bible Quizzing is a Christian sport, ministry, and community in which teams of participants called quizzers compete on Scriptural recitation in matches called quizzes. Quizzing tournaments called meets consist of a set of quizzes. Quizzing seasons consist of a set of meets.

Learn more by reading the About CBQ page.

What is Christian Bible Quizzing (CBQ)?

Christian Bible Quizzing (CBQ) is the organization that oversees and supports local and regional Quizzing operations internationally.

What is the mission of CBQ?

The mission of CBQ is to: Encourage the most people to memorize the most verses of Scripture.

Why is memorizing Scripture critical?

God commands us to memorize.

It's good and healthy to memorize. (Psalm 119:11; John 15:7)

We're called to make disciples of Christ (Matthew 28:19-20), but how can we do so if we don't follow Christ's commands? (John 14:15; James 1:22)

We're instructed that in our struggle against evil, we should put on the full armor of God. (Ephesians 6:11-17) When Christians collectively fail to memorize, spiritual forces of evil use this weakness to corrupt the Church. The only offensive weapon of the armor of God is the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God; everything else is for defense. To avoid defeat, we need defense. To defeat evil, we need offense.

While all are called to memorize, it is youth who are typically best capable to memorize large blocks of Scripture verbatim with reference. Therefore, there is a fleeting opportunity window as a child grows into adulthood to write God's commands on their heart.

There are many useful methods to follow this commandment, but unquestionably Bible Quizzing is at least 2 orders of magnitude more effective than any other single method.

Is memorizing a lot of verses impossibly difficult?

No. Like accomplishing anything of value, memorizing at first can feel difficult and daunting, but with a disciplined routine, the vast majority of youth can quickly get to a point where they're able to memorize a verse or 2 (or many more) per day with ease.

Is competition in Bible memorization something to be avoided?

No. Iron sharpens iron. (Proverbs 27:17) It is through the competition of Bible Quizzing that we can most advance the mission of encouraging the most people to memorize the most verses.

Competition is inherently neither good nor bad. It's our attitudes and actions that make it good or bad. In whatever we do, we should do it for the glory of God. (Corinthians 10:31) Therefore, it's imperative to ensure Bible Quizzing persists its long historical culture of teams positively encouraging and supporting their competition in a friendly and safe environment.

CBQ Distinctives

What denominations or other groups is CBQ affiliated with?

CBQ is denominationally independent and self-incorporated. CBQ is not affiliated with any particular Christian ministry or group. However, CBQ is highly interested in collaboration with any ministry or group that shares our mission to encourage the most people to memorize the most verses of Scripture.

While we encourage everyone to participate in Quizzing, our Articles of Incorporation require that those who vote on matters of governance profess theologically traditional Christianity, meaning they are in alignment with the Nicene Creed (Symbolum Nicaenum).

What Bible translations does CBQ use?

As per the CBQ Rule Book, CBQ can operate under any Bible translation that is a word-for-word or thought-for-thought (not paraphrased) translation. Translations used in a particular quiz meet are the set of translations quizzers participating in the meet memorized. In practice, this typically means meets operate on 2 or 3 translations.

Who can participate in CBQ?

CBQ is primarily a youth ministry. There is no minimum age, though we oblige our coaches to ensure all their youth are sufficiently mature to handle the rigors of competition and the collaborative, mutually-supportive esprit de corps shared amongst all quizzers and all teams. Typically, this means youth are usually between 11 and 18 years of age.

In recognition that God's commandment to memorize doesn't cease after turning 19, CBQ also eagerly encourages adult Bible Quizzing leagues.

What are CBQ's query types?

The CBQ Rule Book lays out in detail how CBQ query types consist of a matrix that mixes 2-subtypes. In summary, there are 4 base subtypes and 5 quizzer-selected subtypes. A query is announced as 1 of the 4 base subtypes: phrase, chapter reference, quote, or finish. When a quizzer responds to the query, the quizzer may select any or all applicable quizzer-selected subtype, like: synonymous, verbatim, open book, with reference, or add a verse.

Why would a quizzer want to select more difficult query types?

The CBQ Rule Book explains that there are significantly more earned points potential in selecting more difficult query types. For example, if a quizzer selects only synonymous (and responds to the query correctly), the quizzer earns 2 points; however, if instead the quizzer selected verbatim, with reference, and add a verse, the quizzer would earn 7 points.

Can rookie and weaker quizzers meaningfully earn points?

Yes. CBQ is carefully designed to encourage all quizzers at all skill and preparation levels to memorize. It does this by ensuring rookie and weaker quizzers always have meaningful ways to contribute to a team victory, including earning bonus team points. Simultaneously, CBQ provides stronger quizzers with the incentive to earn more points through adding difficulty.

Practical Considerations

Who handles local/regional CBQ operations?

The CBQ organization licenses regions to conduct local/regional operations. A region is typically though not necessarily geographic, small enough to support in-person meets but large enough to include as many teams as possible. A region may include youth or adult leagues or a combination of leagues.

Regions establish their own calendars, meet schedules, budgets/costs/fees, and leadership. Regions may elect to be self-instantiated and self-governing or subsidiaries of the CBQ organization.

When are quiz seasons?

Quiz seasons typically, but not necessarily, align with a typical school year, usually starting in September or October and concluding in April or May.

How much does it cost to participate?

To further the mission, CBQ is always looking to reduce or eliminate costs. Meet participation costs will be up to meet directors under the leadership of their local regions to set, but CBQ encourages that these are set at levels to only just barely cover expenses. There are no costs or fees related to the CBQ organization itself.

What's the material memorization schedule?

Youth league CBQ follows an 8-year seasonal material rotation. Regions are free to select one of a number of presets within the 8-year cycle.

Smaller and/or newer regions are encouraged to consider establishing Club Lists for their region. Club lists are subsections of the full range of material for a given preset that are given increased probability for query selection. In this way, rookie or weaker quizzers are able to hear queries they recognize in all their quizzes whilst still providing the means for advanced veteran quizzers to distinguish themselves.

Starting a Team

What constitutes a quiz team?

A youth league CBQ team consists of between 2 and 3 quizzers and may optionally (though it's highly encouraged) have a coach. Teams are often associated with a local church; however, this is not required and is certainly not always the case. Team organizations of all types can support multiple teams, though each team operates independently at a meet.

What's necessary to start a quiz team?

At minimum, you need a Bible and 2 people who will memorize and participate as a team at meets. However, there are tools and equipment that can be helpful in preparation.

How much effort and training is required?

The effort investment to coach a new team is really up to the coach and quizzers. Ideally, CBQ recommends teams meet at a regular interval for practices during a quiz season. Some do this weekly right before or after church. Others meet every other week. Still others meet sporadically. Practices are usually an hour or less where the coach runs through some drills and pick-up quizzes, teams study together, and everyone builds strategies to improve memorization and meet performance.

No training is required; however, CBQ recommends coaches who are new to CBQ ask for introductory training on QuizSage and some basic meet performance strategies.

How can I get help to start a team organization?

Contact us immediately by email and ask for for help. We are extremely eager to help new team organizations get stared in whatever ways we can.

Establishing a Region

What's necessary to start a region?

At minimum, you need at least 1 team organization with at least 1 team; however, it's generally a good idea to establish a region when there's a geographically identifiable group of team organizations who would like to collaborate together as a region. This doesn't need to be significant to get started. As few as 2 or 3 team organizations (possibly churches) is sufficient to get the process started.

How much effort and training is required?

To start off, new regions can be subsidiaries of the CBQ organization, meaning they won't need to incorporate or handle their own governance and finances. However, as a region grows, it's typically considered best if the region self-incorporates into a licensed self-governing entity. CBQ can help in that process.

Regions need meet directors to run meets and quiz magistrates (QMs) to run quizzes. CBQ can conduct personalized training for any who are interested in either or both of these roles.

How can I get help to start a region?

Contact us immediately by email and ask for for help. We are extremely eager to help new team organizations get stared in whatever ways we can.