Standard Operating Procedures
The following are standard operating procedures for Christian Bible Quizzing (CBQ).
Chancellor and Council of Elders
The Chancellor shall strive to cause either by direct action or delegation the promotion, growth, coordination, and general oversight for CBQ, which includes but is not limited to:
- Finding ways that Quizzing can support and integrate into local church, district, national, and international ministries
- Developing and maintaining standardized policies and rules
- Facilitating the provision of resources to strengthen Quizzing, including coordinating question writing, editing, distribution
- Developing and managing an annual budget
- Planning, promoting, and operating an annual international Quizzing competition
- Facilitating communications among Quizzing leadership
- Maintaining records as necessary
- Establishing task groups as necessary
The Council of Elders will support as they’re able the Chancellor’s efforts above.
International Open Championships (IOC)
The International Open Championships (IOC) is a Quizzing-wide season-end tournament event held annually, open to all teams who’d like to participate.
- IOC should be held at the end of a Quizzing season and ideally before July 4.
- Dates and locations for future IOC meets should be announced as early as practicable but ideally no later than September.