Leadership Requirements
The following are traits desired in Bible Quizzing leadership, the ideal standards to which Quizzing leaders should all aspire.
1 Timothy 3
- Above reproach, respectable, of good behavior
- Acts in a manner over time such that others can’t reasonably find fault with their character
- This builds trustworthiness to the point where even if accusations of impropriety were leveled, no one would believe the accusations
- Temperate, sober-minded, self-controlled
- Avoids extremes and maintains balance, showing calmness and composure even under pressure
- Able to understand all sides of a debate and be able to fairly articulate and even defend positions with which they disagree
- Maintains a state of clear, rational thinking, free from emotional excess or impulsiveness
- Able to make sound judgments without being swayed by emotionalism
- Ability to regulate their emotions, desires, and behaviors
- Has mastery over impulses, resisting temptation or rash reactions, and acts deliberately rather than reactively
- Hospitable
- Eager to fairly consider new ideas
- Receives and treats guests and strangers warmly and generously
- Able to teach
- Has the capability, skill, and readiness to effectively impart knowledge, understanding, or skills to others
- Not merely possessing expertise or insight, but also the ability to communicate it clearly and helpfully
- Therefore, has patience, clarity, and a certain level of confidence in the subject matter, as well as the interpersonal capability for guiding others toward understanding
- Not quarrelsome
- Not disagreeable
- Not a cause of dispute, complaint, or hostile feelings
- Disinclined to spark an angry dispute or altercation
- Not fond of or easily given to dispute or contentiousness
- Maintains a well-managed house
- Has personal and professional affairs in order, well organized, with healthy finances (i.e. not burdened with unsustainable or risky debt), and a balanced and stable life
- Must not be a recent convert
- Has actively contributed to Bible Quizzing for multiple concurrent seasons
- Maintains a good reputation with outsiders
- Highly regarded and respected by those outside Bible Quizzing, both within and beyond the Christian community
- Discerning and obedient of God
- Governed by what they earnestly think God wants, not what they or others want
- Missionally minded
- Puts the mission above all other considerations except discerning God’s will and following it
- Rational
- Uses logic and data, never feelings, when making decisions
- Persistently deploys multi-order and multi-modal thinking
- Considers implications across a wide spectrum of time while expecting conditions to eventually change
- Submissive
- Acts with the heart of a servant leader
- Seeks out wisdom from others
- Is able to be swayed by others to adopt a different opinion or conclusion
- Unburden by the good opinion of others
- Concerned with that others think only in so much as understanding their opinions and feelings is useful for working to bring about God’s will