Next General Assembly Meeting
- Date: Thursday, February 6, 2025
- Start: 6 PM PST
- Location:
- Zoom Meeting Link
- Meeting ID: 894 3229 9918
- Passcode: 587265
Section 1.2 of the CBQ Bylaws version 2024-07-27 requires a General Assembly meeting be held semiannually, the first between January and March, and the second will be held between July and September.
The General Assembly consists of all who participate in any event or meeting sponsored by Christian Bible Quizzing (as defined by the rule book or standard operating procedures) in the previous 12 calendar months and are at least 18 years old.
If haven’t already done so, please sign-up for a CBQ account. Then just prior to the meeting, please login and then click on the appropriate meeting link.